All about the Posterior

For time:
1 mile run
Then 10 rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Kettlebell Snatches (1p)
15 Deadlifts (105 lbs)
1 mile run

Score: 33:36

With some upcoming travel and knowing I will have limited access to equipment, I programmed this workout with this in mind: movement I hate (deadlifts) movement that needs work (Pull-ups) and a movement that is full body (KB snatches).

This workout felt long and slow, and it was. I dreaded the deadlift each round, they were painful but glad to have the exposure. I made it through the entire 10 rounds unbroken until the last set of snatches and Deadlifts.

The ring pull-ups were half kipping and half butterfly, I struggled to keep a good rhythm. This movement use to be my strongest but I have fallen off the past year. Snatches spiked my heart and tired out my posterior chain but this movement was relatively smooth.

It’s good to get longer pieces like these in, I normally don’t have the time today was a rare occasion when the kids were napping and I had a full hour to myself and I took every second of it.

3 Part Day

A) Handstand walking practice (15 minutes)
B) 3 Rounds for time:
500-meter run
21 Wall balls (15lbs)
18 Kettlebell snatches (1 pood)
15 Burpees over the Kettlebell
C) Durante’s Core:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups
10 Tuck-ups
10 second Hollow Hold
1-minute rest between rounds

Score: A) walked over the 35lbs plates three times
B) 16:29
C) Finished Durante’s core unbroken for the first time

Part A) Never know when Handstands are going to show up in a workout so, it’s good to practice. It felt good to be inverted and working on my balance and control.

Part B) The meat of the day, was a perfect workout for the afternoon, not a lot of skill involved but definitely lungs, especially on the Kettlebell Snatches. I had to break that up in half.

Part C) Durante Core: I have been doing this core series for a few years now and, this is the first time I have been able to do it unbroken.

Keep Moving

Perfect morning workout to jump right into, only 1 piece of equipment needed and you are ready to go.

Not all workouts need to be soul and body crushing. I personally perfer to keep things lights and quick for about 60% of the time.

The most dynamic component to this workout is the Kettlebell snatches I had to break this movement up into 2 sets every round. During the rest I would count to 5 and get right back to the Kettlebell to finish up.

AMRAP in 16 minutes
9 Burpee Pull-ups
18 Alternating Kettlebell Snatches (1.5/1p)
47 Russian twists
Rest 3 minutes the:
3 Rounds:
200 meter Run
30 Shoulder taps

My goal this morning was keep moving and this workout helped me complete that goal in under 22 minutes.

I’ve Got This

EMOM for 20 minutes
5 Pause Overhead Squats (115/80lbs)
12 Burpees
5 Toes to rings, 10 Kettlebell snatches (1.5/1p)
20 meter Hand stand walk
15 Hollow Rocks

I have never been a morning person. I’m still not. But somehow it’s the only time I have to workout that doesn’t affect my family’s schedule too much. When the alarm goes off I take a deep breath and roll out of bed. And I’m a happier person for it.

Today was no different. It was challenging to motivate but knowing I had a partner to suffer with me this morning, my husband Jeremy, made it easier to get going.

Now I know why people write motivational sayings on their bathroom mirror. Times like these.